
A General Analysis about the Situation of ESPand EGP 被引量:1

A General Analysis about the Situation of ESPand EGP
摘要 ESP and EGP are both important for students but,at the moment,we have not paid enough emphasis on ESP course because there are some limits for us to teach ESP effectively.In this article,the writer will analyze the current situation of ESP and EGP and appeal for persons concerned to put stress on it to keep the balance between ESP and EGP. ESP and EGP are both important for students but,at the moment,we have not paid enough emphasis on ESP course because there are some limits for us to teach ESP effectively.In this article,the writer will analyze the current situation of ESP and EGP and appeal for persons concerned to put stress on it to keep the balance between ESP and EGP.
作者 陈巧莲
机构地区 Software College
出处 《海外英语》 2010年第9X期106-107,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 ESP EGP English Teaching REVOLUTION NATIONAL Education DEPARTMENT ESP EGP English Teaching Revolution National Education Department
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