
Listening Barriers Among Chinese Undergraduates

Listening Barriers Among Chinese Undergraduates
摘要 The new published Chinese College English Curriculum Requirements gives priority to listening and speaking teaching. In the renewed version CET4&6,the portion of listening comprehension has increased largely from 20% to 35% while almost every section of the testing items in the newly introduced Computer-based test requires a demanding listening capacity. Therefore,a reform in listening teaching is inevitable. This paper serves as a pilot research aiming at investigating the barriers among first year undergraduates and provides bene-ficial information for further research. The new published Chinese College English Curriculum Requirements gives priority to listening and speaking teaching. In the renewed version CET4&6,the portion of listening comprehension has increased largely from 20% to 35% while almost every section of the testing items in the newly introduced Computer-based test requires a demanding listening capacity. Therefore,a reform in listening teaching is inevitable. This paper serves as a pilot research aiming at investigating the barriers among first year undergraduates and provides bene-ficial information for further research.
作者 覃成海
出处 《海外英语》 2010年第11X期402-403,共2页 Overseas English
基金 2009年度海南省教育厅高等学校科学研究资助性项目(编号:Hjsk2009-32)
关键词 LISTENING barriers LISTENING COMPREHENSION listening barriers listening comprehension
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