English Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon, but also a lingual phenomenon. In social interaction, people have to use different words to convey their thoughts and ideas. However, some of the words are unhappy, impolite and embarrassed if directly spoken, which often make the communication unpleasant. In order to avoid the embarrassment or ease the sting of harsh words, man has created euphemism. In western cultures, people have been using euphemism widely in many different fields. This paper introduces the features and the applications of English euphemism, intending to help people better understand euphemism and make good use of them in real communication.
English Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon,but also a lingual phenomenon.In social interaction,people have to use different words to convey their thoughts and ideas.However,some of the words are unhappy,impolite and embarrassed if direcdy spoken,which often make the communication unpleasant.In order to avoid the embarrassment or ease the sting of harsh words,man has created euphemism.In western cultures,people have been using euphemism widely in many different fidds.This paper introduces the features and the applications of English euphemism,intending to help people better understand euphemism and make good use of them in real commu nication.
Overseas English