
Challenges and Approaches of Teaching EFL to Large Classes in China

Challenges and Approaches of Teaching EFL to Large Classes in China
摘要 Compared with the smaller class sizes in many other countries, China EFL classes are generally oversize with gaps of learners'language proficiency and competence, different language acquisition abilities, diverse motivations and attitudes which constitute a multilevel class with many challenges to class management and language teaching. Based on the views upon the issue of researchers from China and other countries, this paper identifies the challenges with large EFL classes and discusses strategies of coping in such a context by providing pragmatic guidelines of teaching EFL to large classes in China. Compared with the smaller class sizes in many other countries, China EFL classes are generally oversize with gaps of learners' language proficiency and competence, different language acquisition abilities, diverse motivations and attitudes which constitute a multilevel class with many challenges to class management and language teaching. Based on the views upon the issue of researchers from China and other countries, this paper identifies the challenges with large EFL classes and discusses strategies of coping in such a context by providing pragmatic guidelines of teaching EFL to large classes in China.
作者 叶文红 李玲
出处 《海外英语》 2011年第12X期119-121,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 Large CLASSES China EFL CONTEXT CHALLENGES Strategies and APPROACHES Large Classes China EFL context Challenges Strategies and approaches
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