
Critical Review on Bilingualism of Chinese Origin Children in Britain

Critical Review on Bilingualism of Chinese Origin Children in Britain
摘要 Chinese people constitute a significant minority in Britain, but less attention paid to Chinese origin children. With document collection, the situation of Chinese origin children's education and the effect of bilingualism will be clarified. Bilingualism increase ethnic identity,and cultural adjustment, ethnic identity and language development are correlative for bilinguals. Chinese people constitute a significant minority in Britain,but less attention paid to Chinese origin children.With document collection,the situation of Chinese origin children's education and the effect of bilingualism will be clarified.Bilingualism increase ethnic identity,and cultural adjustment,ethnic identity and language development are correlative for bilinguals.
作者 荣风静 肖征
出处 《海外英语》 2011年第15期290-291,300,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 CHINESE ORIGIN CHILDREN BILINGUALISM language SITUATION Chinese origin children bilingualism language situation
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