
《民法总则》中的民事法律行为——基于法律行为学说的比较法分析 被引量:10

Civil Juristic Acts in the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the PRC:A Comparative Analysis Based on the Theory of Juristic Act
摘要 《民法总则》的通过标志着中国民法典的编纂工作取得了阶段性进展。其第六章"民事法律行为"在《民法通则》和《合同法》的基础上,补充、完善和发展了民事法律行为制度,构建了中国民法典关于民事法律行为的法律制度的基本框架,为民法典分则各编关于民事法律行为的具体规定提供了依据。从比较法的视角看,在民事法律行为的内涵与外延、作为民事法律行为的核心要素的意思表示、民事法律行为的效力规则以及附条件和附期限的民事法律行为等方面,均可将《民法总则》中的民事法律行为与德国民法上的法律行为进行比较。一方面,《民法总则》关于民事法律行为的规定继受了法律行为学说的成果;另一方面,相对于德国民法典关于法律行为的规定,《民法总则》关于民事法律行为的规定在一些方面也有所不同,它们是对改革开放以来中国民事立法和司法实践经验的总结,但其中一些规定仍有改进的余地。 The adoption of the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the PRC as the General Part of the Chinese Civil Code indicates progress in the codification of Chinese civil law. Based on the Gener- al Principles of the Civil Law of the PRC and the Contract Law of the PRC, Chapter VI on civil juristic acts has supplemented, perfected and developed the institution of civil juristic acts thus constructing the basic framework for the legal institution of civil juristic acts of the Chinese Civil Code, and providing a basis for specific provisions on civil juristic acts contained in the books of the Special Part of the Chinese Civil Code. From a comparative perspective, one can evaluate civil juristic acts in the General Provi- sions of the Civil Law of the PRC and juristic acts in German civil law, especially respective of the con- notation and extension of civil juristic acts, declarations of intentions as key elements of civil juristic acts, validity rules on civil juristic acts, as well as civil juristic acts with attached conditions and fixing of time. On the one hand, the provisions on civil juristic acts contained in the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the PRC have accepted innovations of the German Rechtsgeschaftslehre ; compared with the provisions of juristic acts contained in the German Civil Code ( BGB), the provisions of civil juristic acts contained in the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the PRC are different in some aspects. They re- present the summation of experience of China' s legislation and judicial practices in civil matters since China' s reform and opening to the outside world, yet some aspects are still to be improved.
作者 陈卫佐
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期75-94,共20页 Journal of Comparative Law
关键词 民事法律行为 民法总则 中国民法典 民事行为 德国民法典 civil juristic acts General Provisions of the Civil Law of the PRC the Chinese Civil Code juristic acts the German Civil Code (BGB)
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