在立方氮化硼聚晶复合材料制备中,为改善晶体相的偏聚,其思路之一便是将晶体相与粘接相预先制备成带有核-壳结构的原料。先采用Pirnaha溶液对cBN进行羟基化改性,改善其亲水性,使其容易分散并带有电荷的基础上,再用Stober法进行硅氧包覆处理,在氨水和少量水的作用下,以乙醇作为分散剂,用TEOS硅氧烷为原料,在室温条件下反应,利用水解-凝胶法让硅醇以非自发形核的方式在c BN粉体表面聚合,并对试验结果进行TEM,SEM,EDS,XRD,FTIR表征。结果表明,通过对立方氮化硼粉体进行硅氧纳米涂层包核处理,成功得到了立方氮化硼-氧化硅微/纳米核壳结构,包核形貌良好,包覆层厚度可由TEOS加入量的不同而调节。对无机材料核壳结构制备和立方氮化硼与结合剂的均布有实际意义。
In the preparation of polycrystalline composite materials, one of the ideas to improve the segregation of crystal phases is using the core-shell structures composed by through the crystalline phases and combining phases. Cubic boron nitride (cBN) was firstly modified through hydroxylation polarization processes using fresh piranha solution. Then the cBN presented charged characteristics with good hydrophilicity and dispersibility. After that, with the help of the small amount of ammonia, the silicate polymerized on the surface of the cBN powders in the form of non-spontaneous nucleation by sol-gel method at room temperature using ethanol and TEOS as dispersant and raw material respectively. The as-products powders were characterized by TEM, SEM, XRD and FTIR. The results indicate that cBN- silica core-shell micro-nanostructure composite powders are successfully prepared with good coated morphology, where the cBN is the core and the sillica was shell. The thickness of the coating layer can be controlled by changing the amount of the TEOS. This study demonstrated that direct stober method process is feasible for cBN after hydrophobic modification, offering a new way for the application of stober method.
China Surface Engineering