In the turning of mountain roads or curved roads in ur-ban areas, accidents are frequent because drivers can not deter-mine whether there are vehicles in front of them. The new type ofautomated curved road traffic signal hinting system introduced inthis paper is to identify vehicles using the ultrasonic range finderslocated on both sides of a curved road. An appropriate rangefind-er interval is set in accordance with different levels of curvedroads, and c52 single-chip microcontroller is used to carry outthe data processing. It means that the speed and length of vehi-cles as well as their distances from the corner are identified.Through data analysis and integration, the information ob-tained will be passed to the next level single-chip c51 micro-controller which will rearrange the information and show thedata information by controlling the number of LED lights. Inorder to allow drivers to have a more intuitive understanding oftheir distance from the coming vehicles, we usea row of LEDlights to prompt them. The more LED lights are, the closer is thecoming vehicle. In terms of power supply, the electricity comple-mentary clean energy power is used, which is economical, envi-ronmentally friendly and energy-efficient.
Journal of Science and Education
new automatic curve system
c51 single-chip micro-controller
range finder
LED lights
electricity complementaryclean energy