
二进制程序漏洞挖掘关键技术研究综述 被引量:14

A Survey of the Key Technology of Binary Program Vulnerability Discovery
摘要 漏洞在当前的网络空间中已被各方所关注。虽然源代码漏洞分析取得显著进展且具有语义丰富的特点,但实际应用中大量软件均以二进制代码形式存在,因此,针对二进制代码的漏洞挖掘技术研究具有很强的实用价值。文章简要介绍了目前较为典型的二进制漏洞分析框架,并根据现有研究工作,提出未来对二进制程序漏洞挖掘技术研究的整体思路,随后对其中的一些关键点、关键技术分别进行了调研。文章首先对中间语言的研究背景和意义进行了简要介绍;其次针对污点分析、符号执行以及模糊测试三项关键技术,分别介绍了三者的基本原理和分类标准、处理流程、研究现状以及存在的问题;最后进行了简单的总结。文章对二进制程序的漏洞挖掘技术进行了简要的研究,有助于开展后续研究工作。 In the current cyberspace, vulnerability has been attracted the widespread attention. Although source-code-oriented vulnerability analysis has made significant progress and has the characteristics of rich semantic, but many commercial software exists in the form of binary code in practical application. Therefore, binary-executable-oriented vulnerability discovery is more meaningful and useful. This paper first briefly introduces the typical binary vulnerability analysis framework. Based on the existing research work, this paper puts forward the whole idea of the research on the vulnerability discovery technology of binary program in the future, and then makes some research on some key points and key technologies respectively. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the research on the key technologies of binary-executable-oriented background and significance of the intermediate language. Secondly, according to the three key technologies of taint analysis, symbolic execution and fuzzing, this paper introduces the basic principles and classification standards, processing flow, research situation and existing problems, respectively, and finally gives a simple summary. In this paper, a brief study of the binary program vulnerability discovery technology is given, which is helpful to carry out the follow-up research work.
出处 《信息网络安全》 CSCD 2017年第8期1-13,共13页 Netinfo Security
基金 国家重点研发计划[2016QY07X1404]
关键词 漏洞挖掘 二进制程序 污点分析 符号执行 模糊测试 vulnerability discovery binary program taint analysis symbolic execution fuzzing
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