
消费者对转基因和非转基因大豆油支付意愿差距测算的修正 被引量:1

Revision on the Measurement of Consumer' Willingness to Pay for GM and Non GMO Soybean Oil
摘要 近年来,转基因食品在市场上越来越常见,且数量和品种不断增加。由于我国大部分消费者对转基因技术缺乏科学认识,认为转基因食品可能带来健康风险,导致其对转基因食品的接受度不断下降。这一现象已经受到学术界的广泛关注,其中,已有学者对转基因大豆油的消费进行了深入研究,但其对消费者的样本选择并非随机抽样,导致支付意愿值的测算结果出现偏差。鉴于此,本文利用假设价值评估法设计了封闭式和开放,对北京市居民的大豆油消费情况进行了深入调查,并采用Heckman备择模型测算了消费者对非转基因大豆油的支付意愿,克服了样本选择偏差,更为准确地测算了消费者关于转基因和非转基因大豆油支付意愿的差距。在此基础上,解释了食用油市场上转基因大豆油"高市场占有率"和消费者"低接受程度"的"消费悖论"的形成机理。结果表明:消费者对非转基因大豆油的额外支付意愿值处于1.5-2.1元区间,溢价比例7.76%-10.28%;消费者的性别、年龄、教育程度、家庭月均收入与食品支出、非转基因食品认证的信任程度以及认证信息的重视程度对非转基因大豆油支付意愿具有显著影响。根据上述结论,健全转基因食品安全信息披露制度保障公众对转基因食品的知情权;开展转基因食品科普宣传活动,提高公众对转基因技术的认知;加强农业转基因技术研发和监管;扩大国产非转基因大豆的种植面积,满足消费者对非转基因大豆油的消费需求等政策建议。 In recent years,there has been an increasing supply of genetically modified foods on the market,and both their quantity and variety are continually growing. However, the widespread lack of scientific knowledge of transgenic technology among most Chinese consumers has led to their disbelief in GM products, which are generally thought to be full of health risks, resulting in a continued decline in consumer acceptance of GM foods. As this phenomenon has received extensive attention in the academic circle, a number of specialists have carried out in-depth studies on the consumption of transgenic soybean oil.However,as random sampling was not performed in the consumer selections there in , a deviation in the measurement of the willingness to pay was inevitable.To overcome the disadvantage, a set of two questionnaires, closed as well as open,were designed in this study by applying the method of hypothetical value evaluation. These questionnaires were then used to conduct an investigation into the consumption of soybean oil among Beijing residents.With the survey data obtained, it became a relatively easy job to measure the consumers’ willingness to pay for non-GMO soybean oil by way of the Heckman model,which made it possible to overcome the sample selection bias and more accurately estimate the consumer’s willingness to pay for GM and non-GMO soybean oil respectively.At the same time, this paper also explains the formation mechanism ofthe ‘ consumption paradox ’ in the edible oil market,which is characterized by a ‘ high market share’ of the genetically modified soybean oil and a ‘ low acceptance ’ by the consumers.It was also found that the additional willingness to pay for non-GMO soybean oil as against GM soybean oil is in the range of 1.5-2. 1 yuan,with a premium ratio of 7.76% to 10.28%.The significant influencing factors on the consumers’ willingness to pay for non-GMO soybean oil include their gender, age and educational level,monthly income and food expenditure of the household, the degree of trust on non-GMO food certification as well as on information about authentication.This paper,based on the above conclusions,proposes to the policy-makers suggestions as below.perfecting the information disclosure system of genetically modified food to protect the public’s right to know;carrying out science popularization activities on genetically modified foods to increase public awareness of GN technology;strengthening agriculturalR & D of GM technology;expanding the domestic non-GMO soybean acreage to meet consumer demand for non-GMO soybean oil.
出处 《宏观质量研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期72-81,共10页 Journal of Macro-quality Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目教育部科技发展中心博士点基金课题(20130004110001) 农业部农产品质量安全监督(风险评估)项目(2130109) 广义虚拟经济技术研究专项资助项目(GX2015-1009(Y))的资助
关键词 支付意愿 大豆油 转基因与非转基因 测算修正 WTP Genetically Modified Transgenic and Non-GMO Soybean Oil
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