
义务教育师资配置的区域差异及空间格局演变研究--以上海市为例 被引量:3

Regional Difference and Spatial Pattern of Teacher Allocation during Compulsory Education The Shanghai Case
摘要 教师资源的均衡配置是实现教育公平、提升教育质量的关键。本文基于2007年至2016年《上海统计年鉴》的相关数据,运用泰尔指数、重心模型和空间统计分析方法,对上海义务教育师资配置的区域差异及空间格局演变进行分析。研究发现,上海义务教育师资呈现明显的圈层结构分布特征,核心区师资最充足,边缘区次之,近郊区教师负担最重,远郊区略好于近郊区;全市义务教育师资配置的区域差异呈现波动中上升的趋势。从差异内容看,小学师资的区域差异大于初中师资的区域差异。从差异构成看,各区域内部的差异大于区域之间的差异,其中远郊区内部的差异是全市总体差异的主要来源,其他区域内部的差异都控制在较小范围内。中心城区内部的差异逐年减小,郊区内部的差异逐年增大;义务教育的师资重心逐渐从中心城区向郊区移动,但仍滞后于学龄人口的变动;义务教育师资配置在空间格局上表现为空间负相关关系,异质性较强,师资充足的地区与师资不足的地区相邻,其中师资优势显著的区域位于核心区,而远郊区的师资短缺集聚现象明显。小学阶段的负相关趋势逐渐增强,初中阶段的负相关趋势逐渐减弱。基于师资布局现状,今后应根据学龄人口规模合理配置师资,提升教师的职业吸引力以促进师资的补充,从区域内部着手实现师资的均衡发展。 A balanced allocation ol teacher resources is the key to educational equity and quality ol compulsory education. This study analyzes the regional difference and spatial pattern across districts in Shanghai city, using relevant data from the Statistical Yearbook 2007 - 2016 by Theil index decomposition method,gravity center model and exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA). The results are as follows.The spatial pattern of teacher resources during compulsory education in Shanghai shows an obvious structure of ‘ circular layers ’ . Specifically speaking, the central areas have the most abundant teacher resources, the urban fringe areas take the second place, the near suburban areas have the heaviest teacher burden and the distant suburban areas have a slightly higher teacher - student ratio than the near suburban. The degree of inequality in the allocation of teacher resources during compulsory education in Shanghai shows a tendency of increase in the general background of fluctuation. In view of its contents, the difference at the stage of primary school is greater than that at the stage of junior high school. In view of its structure, , the regional difference mainly comes from inside each area,with the distant suburban taking the lion’ s share and other areas having the difference confined within small ranges during the study period. On the whole, the internal difference in central areas is decreasing annually while that in suburban areas is increasing gradually. The gravity center of teacher resources during compulsory education in the whole city has been moving outwards from the central areas to the suburban areas in the past years, but the move falls behind the growth of the school age population in the latter. The spatial pattern of allocation of teacher resources during compulsory education in Shanghai shows a strong trend of spatial negative correlation,^ e. districts with different levels of teacher allocation tend to be spatially agglomerated. More specifically ,districts with sufficient teacher resources are aggregating in the central areas while districts short of teachers for compulsory education are aggregating in the distant suburban areas which exhibit an obvious spatial heterogeneity. Spatial negative correlation in teacher allocation during compulsory education is getting stronger with years at the primary school stage, but getting weaker gradually at the junior high school stage.Based on the above analysis, it is suggested that efforts should be made to optimize the allocation of teacher resources during compulsory education. First of all, teacher resources should be allocated more scientifically and rationally based on the dynamic changes in school age population across the whole city. Secondly,the teaching profession needs to be constantly made more attractive by various means, such as pay rise,in order to adequately and effectively supplement teacher resources during compulsory education in the suburban areas. And thirdly,more attention is required to focusing on the unbalanced teacher allocation during compulsory education by drawing on resources from the interior of each district rather than that between different districts.
作者 吴晶 宋雪程
出处 《宏观质量研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期108-118,共11页 Journal of Macro-quality Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AGL017)的资助
关键词 师资配置 区域差异 空间格局 Teacher Allocation Regional Difference Spatial Pattern
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