目的 D-ser作为一种重要的神经胶质细胞递质,其合成与代谢依赖于丝氨酸消旋酶(SR)和D构象氨基酸氧化酶(DAO),SR及DAO基因与精神分裂症密切相关,本研究目的为阐明精神分裂症患者SR及DAO结构与功能的关系。方法从精神分裂症血液中克隆到SR及DAO基因,对其进行生物信息学分析。结果序列分析结果表明,SR及DAO基因分别编码340个和347个氨基酸的多肽,与健康人、猿、猴的同源性在96%以上;预测SR及DAO蛋白质的相对分子质量分别为36.57 KDa和39.47 KDa,理论等电点分别为6.11和6.36。亚细胞定位分析结果发现,SR蛋白主要定位于细胞的线粒体中,DAO蛋白主要定位于线粒体和过氧化物酶体中,提示此两种蛋白在细胞中主要发挥合成与代谢作用。结构与功能分析发现,SR蛋白有1个结构域,DAO蛋白含有2个结构域和一个链接区。结论推测SR及DAO在真核细胞的蛋白质合成与代谢等过程中发挥重要功能。
Objective To explore the relationship between structure and function of SR and DAO in schizophrenia. Methods SR and DAO gene were cloned from blood of patients with schizophrenia with bioinformatics analysis. Results The SR and DAO genes encoded 340 and 347 amino acids, respectively. It had more than 96% homology with healthy humans, apes and monkeys. The relative molecular mass of SR and DAO proteins were predicted to be 36.57 KDa and 39.47 KDa, respectively. The isoelectric point were 6.11 and 6.36. SR distribution was involved in chondriosome. DAO distribution was involved in chondriosome and peroxysome. It indicated that SR and DAO played a mayor role in synthesis and metabolism of cells.Three- dimensional measurement revealed that SR protein was composed of a structural domains and DAO protein was composed of two structural domains and one link region. Conclution SR and DAO can promote protein synthesis and metabolism in eukarvotic cells.
Journal of Molecular Imaging