
核医学工作人员和受检者辐射防护现状 被引量:7

The status of radiation protection and control strategy for nuclear medicine workers and patients
摘要 诊断核医学使用的放射性药物具有电离辐射效应,有可能损害核医学工作人员和受检者的健康或危及生命。笔者介绍了国内外诊断核医学近年来的发展趋势,并对核医学工作人员和受检者在不同检查项目中的辐射剂量进行重点分析,评估他们的辐射防护状况。笔者分析了近年来核医学辐射防护领域的研究,结果表明在采取有效防护措施的情况下,核医学工作人员的年有效剂量低于放射性工作人员的年剂量限值。受检者接受SPECT检查所致的辐射剂量主要来自^99Tc^m标记的单光子放射性药物,接受PET/CT检查所致的辐射剂量绝大部分来自CT扫描,所以选择合适的放射性药物活度和CT采集条件可以显著降低受检者的辐射剂量。 In diagnostic nuclear medicine,the used of radioactive drugs with ionizing radiation effect and may place nuclear medicine workers and patients at risk of infection in terms of health.In this review the global trends in diagnostic nuclear medicine modalities applied in medical procedure were introduced at first.And then the exposure dose of nuclear medicine workers and patients in different examination items were analyzed emphatically.The radiation protection status was evaluated based on the analysis.In recent years,the researches in nuclear medicine radiation protection showed that the annual effective dose of workers was less than yearly dose limit of occupational exposure.The effective dose was mainly from single photon radiopharmaceuticals labeled by ^99Tc^m for patients undergoing SPECT examinations.However for PET/CT examinations,the effective dose was mainly from CT procedure.It could significantly reduce the effective dose to the patients when the activity of radioactive drugs and CT acquisition conditions were selected appropriately.
出处 《国际放射医学核医学杂志》 2017年第4期298-302,共5页 International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
基金 广西教育厅2016年中青年教师基础能力提升项目(KY2016LX025) 广西卫生厅课题(S201633) 2014广西医科大学青年基金课题(GXMUYSF201408) 广西医科大学教育教学改革课题(2015XJGB23)
关键词 体层摄影术 发射型计算机 单光子 正电子发射断层显像术 体层摄影术 X线计算机 核医学 辐射防护 吸收剂量 Tomography, emission-computed, single-photon Positron-emission tomography Tomography, X-ray computed Nuclear medicine Radiation protection Absorbed dose
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