
基于CBCT的上颌窦外侧壁牙槽管解剖研究 被引量:1

An anatomical study of the maxillary sinus lateral wall alveolar canal based on cone-beam CT
摘要 目的:通过CBCT研究上牙槽后动脉(posterior superior alveolar artery,PSAA)骨孔位置、直径以及骨孔下缘距牙槽嵴顶的距离。方法:选取CBCT包含双侧清晰上颌窦影像的300例患者进行分析,观察测量上牙槽后动脉骨孔位置、直径以及骨孔下缘距牙槽嵴顶的距离,并对各测量值进行统计分析。结果:300名患者中,174名符合纳入标准,共276侧上颌窦;其中男性93名(149侧),女性81名(127侧)。上牙槽后动脉骨孔的检出率为55.43%(153/276);冠状面首次观察到的上颌窦外侧壁骨孔平均直径为(1.03±0.26)mm,骨孔下缘皮质骨至牙槽嵴顶的平均距离(19.85±2.18)mm;末次观察到的骨孔平均直径为(0.81±0.23)mm,骨孔下缘皮质骨至牙槽嵴顶平均距离(17.86±2.25)。骨孔检出率男女间差异无统计学意义,骨孔直径以及首次和末次骨孔直径相比较男女间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:上颌窦手术前拍摄CBCT观察可较准确获得关于PSAA的解剖信息。 Objective:This study aims to examine the prevalence and the diameter of the bony canal structure of the posterior superior alveolar artery (PSAA)and its relationship to the alveolar ridge by using cone beam computed tomograpby (CBCT). Methods:CBCT image data of 300 cases with bilateral clear maxillary sinus, that the diameter of the bony canalstructure of PSAA and its relationship to the alveolar ridge were observed. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Results:One hundred and seventy-four patients met the inclusion criteria with 93 male and 81 female,that 276 sides of the maxillary sinus in total. The PSAA was observed in 55.43% (153/276). On the screen of the artery which was first seen,the mean diameter of the posterior superior alveolar foramina was 1.03 ~0. 26 ram,and the mean distance from the artery to the alveolar crest was 19. 85 ± 2. 18 mm. On the screen of the artery which was last seen,the mean diameter of the posterior superior alveolar foramina was 0. 81± 0. 23 mm,and the mean distance from the artery, to the alveolar crest was 17.86 ±2. 25 mm. There was no statistically significant difference in the effect of gender on the detection rate of the bone canal. The mean diameter of the bony canal was significantly smaller in females than that in males, and the difference in the diameters of two points was statistically significant( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion:The precise information of PSAA could be obtained by CBCT observation before maxillary sinus surgery.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2017年第7期423-426,共4页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 上牙槽后动脉:上颌窦外侧壁 锥形束CT 牙种植 Posterior superior alveolar artery The lateral wall of maxillary sinus Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Dental implants
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