
慢性牙周炎患者牙周机械治疗前后龈沟液中致病菌检出率分析 被引量:2

Analysis of detection rates of periodontal pathogenic bacterium in gingival crevicular fluid before and after periodontal mechanical therapy of patients with chronic periodontitis
摘要 目的分析慢性牙周炎患者牙周机械治疗前后龈沟液中的牙周致病菌检出率。方法选择南阳市口腔医院2016年1月至2017年1月收治的26例慢性牙周炎患者为研究对象(观察组),患者均给予牙周机械治疗;另选取同期体检健康者22例作为对照组,比较2组对象治疗前后致病菌的检出率。结果观察组患者治疗后2个月菌斑指数(PLI)、探诊深度(PD)及出血指数(BI)均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05);治疗后4个月患者的PD、BI显著低于治疗前(P<0.05),但PLI与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后2个月患者的PLI、PD、BI与治疗后4个月比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组患者治疗前龈沟液中致病菌Aa、Fn、Tf、Pg、Pi、Pn检出率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后2周龈沟液中致病菌伴放线杆菌(Aa)、具核梭杆菌(Fn)、硒赛类标菌(Tf)、牙龈卟林单胞菌(Pg)、中间普菌(Pi)、变黑普菌(Pn)检出率均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05);治疗后2个月龈沟液中致病菌Tf、Pg、Pi、Pn检出率均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05),Aa、Fn检出率与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后4个月龈沟液中致病菌Aa、Tf、Pg、Pi、Pn检出率均显著低于治疗前(P<0.05),Fn检出率与治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论慢性牙周炎患者牙周机械治疗能够有效降低龈沟液中的致病菌Aa、Tf、Pg、Pi、Pn检出率。 Objective To analyze the detection rates of periodontal pathogenic bacterium in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with chronic periodontitis before and after periodontal mechanical therapy. Methods Twenty-six patients with chronic periodontitis in Nanyang Stomatological Hospital from January 2016 to January 2017 were selected as observation group; at the same time,twenty-two heathy person were selected as control group. The patients in the observation group were given periodontal mechanical therapy. The detection rates of periodontal pathogenic bacterium were compared before and after treatment in the two groups. Results In the observation group,the plaque index( PLI),probe depth( PD),bleeding index( BI) of patients at2 months after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment( P〈0. 05); the PD,BI of patients at 4 months after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment( P〉0. 05); there was no significant difference in PLI of patients at 4 months after treatment and before treatment( P〉0. 05); there was no significant difference in PLI,PD,BI of patients at 2 months after treatment and at 4 months after treatment( P〉0. 05). The detection rates of pathogenic bacterium of Aggregatibacter actinomycetem comitans( Aa),Fusobacterium nucleatum( Fn),Tannerella forsythia( Tf),Porphyromonas gingivalis( Pg),Prevetella imtermedia( Pi),Prevotella nigrescens( Pn) in gingival crevicular fluid in observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group( P〈0. 05). The detection rates of pathogenic bacterium of Aa,Fn,Tf,Pg,Pi,Pn in gingival crevicular fluid in observation group at two weeks after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment( P〈0. 05). The detection rates of pathogenic bacterium of Tf,Pg,Pi,Pn in gingival crevicular fluid in observation group at 2months after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment( P〈0. 05); the detection rates of Aa and Fn were not statistically significant compared with those before treatment( P〈0. 05). The detection rates of pathogenic bacterium of Aa,Tf,Pg,Pi,Pn in gingival crevicular fluid in observation group at 4 months after treatment were significantly lower than those before treatment( P〈0. 05); the detection rates of Fn was not statistically significant compared with that before treatment( P〈0. 05). Conclusion Periodontal mechanical therapy can reduce the detection rates of pathogenic bacterium of Aa,Tf,Pg,Pi,Pn in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with chronic periodontitis.
作者 司玲 史德莹
出处 《新乡医学院学报》 CAS 2017年第7期654-656,共3页 Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
关键词 慢性牙周炎 牙周机械治疗 龈沟液 牙周致病菌 chronic periodontitis periodontal mechanical therapy gingival crevicular fluid periodontal pathogens
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