目的了解河源市活禽市场外环境禽流感病毒污染状况,为人感染禽流感科学防控提供依据。方法 2014-2015年对河源市4县区的26个活禽市场外环境开展监测,对标本进行A型、H5、H7、H9亚型流感RT-PCR检测,检测结果进行统计分析。结果共采集745份活禽市场环境标本,A型、H5、H7、H9亚型流感核酸阳性率分别为6.85%、2.68%、1.61%、5.64%;A型流感和H9亚型在各监测月份均有检出,最高检出率分别在2月(16.73%)和11月(16.67%);H5在4月检出率最高(4.90%),H7在2月份检出率最高(3.67%);各型别在不同月份检出率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。源城区禽流感及各亚型阳性检出率最高;除东源县无H7亚型检出外,其它三县区均有H7亚型检出;H5和H9亚型在各县区均有检出;不同县区之间禽流感检出率差异无统计学意义(P<0.05)。在不同类型的标本中,砧板、刀具、工作台面禽流感病毒污染状况最严重,鸡粪标本检出率最低,除H7亚型之外,其它3个型别在不同类型样本的检出率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 2014-2015年河源市活禽市场外环境禽流感病毒污染程度呈现季节性、区域性差异分布,屠宰环节相关外环境污染状况严重,应做好人禽流感的预防和应对。
Objective Through the analysis of the epidemiological situation of avian influenza virus in live poultry market of Heyuan city to provide scientific basis for protection from avian influenza virus infection. Methods Environment specimens were collected from 26 live poultry trading markets of 4 counties in Heyuan between November 2014 and May 2015. Flu A, H5,H7 and H9 subtypes of avian influenza virus were detected by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR,and then the results were statistically analyzed. Results In total of 745 specimens,the Flu A had a positive rate of 6.85%,while the H5,H7 and H9 subtype had the positive rates of 2.68%,1.61%,and 5.64%,respectively. The Flu A and H9 subtype were detected in each month,with the highest prevalence in February(16.73%)and November(16.67%),while the highest prevalence of H5 subtype was in April(4.90%),and the H7 subtype in February(3.67%). It had statistical significance in the difference of positive rates of Flu A,H5,H7 and H9 subtypes in month distribution. In area distribution,the highest positive rate was found in Yuancheng district. The H5,H7 and H9 subtypes were detected in all counties except H7 was not found in Dongyuan county. There was no statistical significance in the difference of positive rates in 4 counties. The contamination of avian influenza viruses was serious in chopping block,cutlery,and counter tops,but the sample of chicken manure was on the contrary. There was statistical significance in different types of sample for Flu A,H5 and H9 subtypes,except for H7. Conclusion The contamination of avian influenza virus in environment of live poultry market in Heyuan showed a seasonal and regional distribution differences ,and the contamination of slaughter links were in the worst status. The prevention and control of human avian influenza should be implemented.
HUANG Feng-guang GAO Shu-ping LE Yan-hong ZHANG Xiu-lian(Heyuan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Heyuan, Guangdong 517000, China)
Journal of Tropical Medicine
Outer environment of Live poultry trading market
Avian influenza virus
Real- time fluorescent reverse transeriptase polymerase chain reaction