[目的]调查大连地区中老年原发性高血压病病人自我管理行为水平及影响因素,为病人良好的血压控制提供科学依据。[方法]采用方便抽样方法,调查大连市某所三级甲等医院360例门诊中老年原发性高血压病病人。[结果]中老年高血压病病人自我管理行为总分为71.04分±9.19分,处于中等水平;回归分析显示,疾病共性自我效能、学历、社会支持利用度和吸烟状况是中老年高血压病病人自我管理行为的独立影响因素。[结论]应着重提高初中以下、家庭人均收入小于3 000元、病程超过5年、患有合并症及吸烟病人的自我管理行为,重视改善疾病管理效能,增加病人社会支持来源和利用度,促进病人自我健康管理行为的形成。
Objective:To survey self-management behavior level and related influencing factors of middle-aged patients with primary hypertension in Dalian area,so as to provide a scientific basis for better control of blood pressure.Methods:A total of 360 middle-aged patients with primary hypertension were surveyed by convenience sampling in an outpatient department in a third-grade hospital in Dalian.Results:The total score of self management behavior in middle-aged patients with hypertension was(71.04±9.19),in the middle level.The regression analysis showed that the degree of disease general self-efficacy,education level,social support utilization and smoking status were independent influencing factors of self management behavior in middle-aged patients with hypertension.Conclusion:we should focus on improving self management behavior of patients who had junior high school education or had family per capita income less than 3000,or their course more than 5 years,suffering from complications smoking.We should pay attention to improve the effectiveness of disease management,increase the patient's social support source and utilization degree,so as to promote patients' self management behavior.
Chinese General Practice Nursing
middle and old age
self management behavior