Since the 21st century,with the advent of the global aging,Chinas aging rate has increased quickly, the government has taken some relative welfare policy. The targeting error of the welfare policy affects the welfare efficiency. The traditional researching is focus on three viewpoints: the technical analysis,the political process and the culture. The viewpoint of culture focuses on the relationship between culture and welfare stigma, The survey shows that the value rational in east of Gansu Province in China affect targeting error of New Rural Co - operative Medical Policy ( NRCMP) that is different from welfare stigma. The result of researching is that the decrease of targeting error of( NRCMP) depend on the change of values: the "filial piety" happy lot" and "die in his bed" , promoting elderly people by diseases having timely medical treatment, instead of spending large amount of money on the funeral consumption, while the public healthcare system is easier access to medical treatment.
Social Security Studies