
电磁振动料斗内玉米种子分散与排序输送仿真及试验 被引量:12

Simulation and test of corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport in electromagnetic vibration hopper
摘要 针对利用电磁振动料斗对成堆玉米种子进行分散与排序输送时无法保证工作效果和效率的问题,该文通过理论分析、EDEM仿真和实际试验对电磁振动料斗内成堆玉米种子分散与排序输送机理进行了研究,得到以下结果:1)成堆玉米种子的分散包含正向圆周运动、离心运动和滑落运动;2)当料斗直径和高度确定时,影响成堆玉米种子分散与排序输送运动状态和效率的因素有:底面倾角、轨道螺距和工作电压,表现为:底面倾角增大,只能提高分散效率;轨道螺距小于35 mm时,增大轨道螺距能够提高总效率,大于35 mm时,继续增大会降低总效率;工作电压小于220 V时,增大工作电压能明显提高总效率,大于220 V时,继续增大对总效率提升不明显;3)电磁振动料斗的最佳工作参数为工作电压220 V、底面倾角4°、轨道螺距35 mm,试验表明该参数下成堆玉米种子分散与排序输送运动状态稳定,且总效率较高。该研究为后续玉米种子定向包装及定向播种提供了参考。 The electromagnetic vibration hopper can be used to disperse and transport corn seeds in order. However, presently, there are few studies on the mechanism of dispersion and arraying transport of corn seeds under circular electromagnetic vibration, and limited parameter optimization for electromagnetic vibration hopper, which result in unreliable effects and efficiency of stacked corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport. In order to solve the problem, firstly, the theoretical study on the mechanism of stacked corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport in electromagnetic vibration hopper was done, from which the regulations were summarized and the influential factors were concluded as inclination angle of bottom, orbit pitch and working voltage. Then a simulation model was established by EDEM (enhanced discrete element method), adopting 200 corn seeds and a hopper. Meanwhile 2 parameterized sinusoidal motion functions were respectively applied in vertical direction and circle direction for the hopper to enable its vibration effect consistent with the actual electromagnetic vibration hopper. In the simulation test, dispersion time and total time were test indices, while inclination angle of bottom, orbit pitch and working voltage were influence factors. By observing the motion state and motion trajectory of stacked corn seeds in the hopper and analyzing the relationship between influence factors and test indices, the theoretical study results were verified and supplemented. At the same time, the electromagnetic vibration hopper was optimized. Lastly, the orthogonal test was conducted based on actual corn seeds and electromagnetic vibration hopper to verify the rationality of simulation optimization results, and the total time was taken as test index, and the inclination angle of bottom, orbit pitch and working voltage as influence factors as previous simulation test. Consequently the following results were gained: 1) The dispersion motion of stacked corn seeds was a compound motion, including forward circular motion, centrifugal motion and sliding motion. In the heap of corn seeds, the higher position of one corn seed resulted in smaller movement speed; the larger radius resulted in faster movement. 2) When the hopper diameter and height were determined, there were 3 factors related to the motion state of stacked corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport, namely inclination angle of bottom, orbit pitch and working voltage. Among them, the inclination angle of bottom mainly influenced the dispersion motion; the orbit pitch only affected the arraying transport motion; the working voltage had effect on both of the 2 motions. Specifically, with the inclination angle of bottom increasing, the efficiency of stacked corn seeds' dispersion was improved, whereas the total efficiency barely changed. If the orbit pitch was less than 35 ram, its increasing would improve the total efficiency, but further increasing would reduce the total efficiency. If the voltage was less than 220 V, its increasing would significantly enhance the total efficiency, but further increasing showed no benefit to the total efficiency, and on the other hand resulted in unstable motion state. 3) The optimized working voltage was 220 V, the inclination angle of bottom was 4~, and the orbit pitch was 35 mm. Under these conditions, the stacked corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport were stable with a high total efficiency. Generally, this research enriches the mechanism of stacked corn seeds' dispersion and arraying transport under circular electromagnetic vibration, and also provides reference for directional packaging and directional sowing of corns.
作者 邢洁洁 徐丽明 刘旭东 陈俊威 袁全春 王荣炎 Xing Jiejie Xu Liming Liu Xudong Chen Junwei Yuan Quanchun Wang Rongyan(College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第13期32-39,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然基金项目(51475461)
关键词 农作物 计算机仿真 机械化 玉米种子 分散 排序输送 crops computer simulation mechanization corn seeds dispersion arraying transport
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