目的解剖观测趾足底固有动脉趾端动脉弓及其分支的解剖学特点。方法选取新鲜成人足标本8只,分别经足背动脉灌注红色乳胶,对第2趾趾足底固有动脉进行显微解剖,观察趾足底固有动脉弓的出现概率,位置及其口径,趾端动脉弓发出的弓上动脉的起始部位,走行方向,分支数目及血管口径情况。结果第2趾趾足底固有动脉趾端动脉弓恒定,动脉弓的外径为0.5~0.8 mm,平均外径为0.64 mm,动脉弓距趾端的距离为9.5~13.0 mm,平均为11.1 mm。动脉弓上发出5支恒定的分支,即趾端弓上动脉,我们将其命名为第1~5支趾端弓上动脉(由胫侧至腓侧)。结论第2趾趾端动脉弓及其发出的弓上动脉解剖恒定,可以采用弓上动脉为蒂的微型轴型皮瓣改善第2足趾再造后外形。
Objective To investigate blood supply features of the plantar digital artery toetip arch and arch branch artery. Methods 8 fresh adult foot specimens were selected and the red latex was perfused from the dorsal artery, then the second toe plantar arteries were dissected to observe the occurrence rate of the plantar artery arch, location and vascular caliber, the origin of the the plantar artery arch artery, direction of travel, number of branches and vessel diameter. Results The intact plantar toetip arches were roughly constant. The overall average external diameter for this structure in the second toe was 0.64 mm, ranging from 0.5 mm to 0.8 mm, the overall average distance from the distal toetip skin to the plantar arch was 11.1mm, ranging from 9.5 mm to 13.0 mm. Dissection showed that all plantar arches had five main arch branches. In order to facilitate description,we named the five main arch branches as the first,second,third,fourth and fifth arch branch from tibial side to fibular side of the second toe. Conclusion The location and number of the plantar digital artery toetip arch artery was relatively constant, suggesting we could use the mini-axial flap pedicled with the toetip arch artery for aesthetic refinements in reconstructed fingers.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy