

Drug usage and costs of inpatients with angina in Karamay Central Hospital in 2014
摘要 目的调查2014年克拉玛依市中心医院(简称克市中心医院)心绞痛住院患者的用药和费用情况,为开展循环系统单病种循证药学研究提供依据和参考。方法提取克市中心医院信息管理系统2014年心绞痛住院患者的治疗费用、临床用药等资料,采用Excel 2007软件对频数、构成比和累计构成比等指标进行统计分析。结果克市中心医院2014年心绞痛住院患者共351例,平均年龄为69.44±10.65岁,共使用药物51种,人均次用药费用122.46元。对症治疗药物11种,共使用1 842人次,使用频次前三位药物分别是硝酸异山梨酯、阿司匹林和硝酸甘油。二级预防药物有35种,共使用1 953人次,抗高血压类药物使用频次最高。中成药共使用69次,复方丹参滴丸使用频次最高。用药总费用排名前三的药物依次是氯吡格雷、阿托伐他汀和替罗非班;人均次用药费用排名前三的药物分别是利伐沙班、替罗非班和低分子肝素。结论克市中心医院2014年心绞痛住院患者治疗用药以硝酸异山梨酯、阿司匹林和硝酸甘油为主,而用药总费用排名前三为氯吡格雷、阿托伐他汀和替罗非班。 Objective To investigate drug usage and costs of angina inpatients in Karamay Central Hospital in 2014 and to provide evidence and reference for evidence-based pharmacy study of single disease in circulation system, Methods The information of drug use and expenditure of angina inpatients were collected from the hospital information system (HIS). We analyzed the data including frequency, proportion and cumulative proportion by Excel 2007 software. Results We included 351 angina inpatients in Karamay Central Hospital in 2014 whose average age was 69.44±10.65 years old. Fifty-one kinds of drugs were used for angina therapy. The expenditure of drugs was 122.46 yuan per person. The symptomatic treatment drugs included 11 kinds of drugs. The top 3 usage drugs were isosorbide denigrates, aspirin, nitroglycerin. The secondary prevention medicines included 35 kinds of drugs, and were prescribed for 1 953 times; the anti-hypertensive drugs were most prescribed. The Chinese patent medicine were prescribed for 69 times. The compound Danshen dripping pill was the most prescribed drug. In total expenditure, the cost of clopidogrel, atorvastatin, irofiban ranked top three. Rivaroxaban, tirofiban, low molecular weight heparin were the top 3 drugs for per-time expenditure. Conclusion The top 3 used drugs are isosorbide denigrates, aspirin, nitroglycerin for angina inpatients in Karamay Central Hospital in 2014, while the top 3 total expenditure drugs are clopidogrel, atorvastatin and irofiban.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2017年第8期899-902,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 新疆科技援疆项目(编号:201591161) 四川省科技计划项目(编号:2015FZ0099)
关键词 住院患者 心绞痛 循证药学 合理用药 npatient Angina Evidence-based pharmacy Rational drug use
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