
重视分子成像技术推动烧伤精准诊断 被引量:1

Attaching importance to molecular imaging techniques and promoting precision diagnosis in burns
摘要 烧伤致病因素单一,病因诊断并不复杂,但对烧伤病程中机体病理形态和病理生理变化的及时诊断仍较为困难。长期以来,烧伤伤情的判断主要依靠对烧伤面积和深度的估计,而对组织、器官损伤程度以及病程进展还缺乏客观判断。近年来,烧伤治疗技术取得了长足进步,一些新的治疗技术、药物及材料逐步应用于烧伤治疗中,尤其在烧伤休克复苏、感染控制、创面修复、脏器支持和营养治疗等方面得到了快速发展。 The explosive growth and advancement of computer science in recent decades have prompted the rapid development and wide applications of imaging techniques in life science, which have brought about revolutionary changes in modern medicine. Nowadays, it is possible to visualize multiple physiological and disease processes, precisely and non-invasively, in a living human body. Modern medicine has even started " reading the mind" , to diagnose psychology, behavior and degenerative disorders of human brain. The border between the organic and inorganic diseases in old dogma is disappearing because imaging techniques have " visualized" the neurological and tissue changes of inorganic disorders. Severe burn injury is associated with very complicated pathological processes, which are always at the borderline between life and death. Complete recovery of patients with severe burn injury, if possible, may take years of time. Hence, a real-time monitoring of the disease process is of pivotal importance in early recognition and prevention of fife-threatening complications and in assessing the therapeutic efficacy for a less-eventful recovery. Here we review and introduce some potential applications of modern imaging techniques in burn care and research, which may benefit burn patients. Some techniques are still in their early or pre-clinical stage and some are mature techniques in other fields of medicine, which are potentially applicable in burn diagnosis and treatment through our research. We intend to bring your interest to this field which may eventually lead to new revenues improving our clinical work on burn victims.
作者 尤永明 彭曦
出处 《中华烧伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期469-472,共4页 Chinese Journal of Burns
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81372049) 国际合作项目(SWH2016HWHZ-03)
关键词 烧伤 分子成像 诊断 精准医学 正电子发射型计算机断层显像 Burns Molecular imaging Diagnosis Precision medicine Positron emission computed tomography
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