目的 进一步探讨国人基因的重组α-1b干扰素对我国慢性乙型肝炎病人的疗效及副作用。方法 治疗组分2组:①α-1b干扰素300万U肌注每日1次,4周后改为隔日1次,共12周,60例。②α-1b干扰素300万U同前共24周,50例。对照组40例。结果 治疗结束后治疗组病人临床症状、肝功能生化及病毒清除率优于对照组,HBeAg、HBV-DNA阴转分别为60.5%、62.3%和47.1%、63.4%(P<0.01),其不良反应少而轻。结论 重组α-1b干扰素适用于我国慢性乙型肝炎病人,能够有效抑制乙型肝炎的复制,改善临床症状,有利于ALT恢复正常。
Objective To further evaluate the effect of interferon α - 1b in treating chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Methods 150 patients with chronic HBV infection were randomly divided into treatment group and control group.60 patients were given 3 million unit interferon α -1b daily for 4 weeks,then 3 million unit every two days for 8 weeks, while 50 patients were given interferon α-1b 3 million unit daily for 24 weeks, 40 patients were enrolled into control group. Results After treatment the clinical symptom and hepatic effect had remarkable improved and HBV -DNA response rate was higher in interferon α-1b than in control group. HBV - DNA response rate in treatment and control group was 62.3% ,63.4% , respectively. HBeAg/anti - HBe seroconvertion in IFN α-1b group and control group was 60.5% and 47.1% ,respectively( P < 0.01 ) with little and light side effect.conclusion Interferon α -1b can suppress HBV replication, with good tolerance and safety.
Shenzhen Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine