运用电化学阳极钝化技术对Fe30Mn9Al合金在1 mol/L Na_2SO_4溶液中进行不同时间的表面钝化处理;利用俄歇电子能谱(AES)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)表面分析技术及Mott-Schottky曲线测试技术研究钝化时间对Fe30Mn9Al合金钝化膜的组成结构与半导体特性的影响。结果表明:Fe30Mn9Al合金在1 mol/L Na_2SO_4溶液中钝化15 min所得钝化膜分为内外2层,外层具有n型半导体特征,由Fe_2O_3、Al_2O_3、Mn_2O_3、FeOOH和AlOOH组成,内层具有p型半导体特征,由MnO组成。随着钝化时间由15 min增至5 h,钝化膜中的MnO溶解,Mn含量降低,Fe、Al填充Mn留下的空位在膜内富集,Fe、Al氧化物转变为Fe、Al氢氧化物,钝化膜由FeOOH、AlOOH和Mn_2O_3组成,具有n型半导体特征。与钝化15 min所得钝化膜相比,钝化5 h所得钝化膜的施主浓度ND由2.58′10^(21) cm^(-3)降至1.96′10^(21) cm^(-3),平带电位Efb由–283 mV降至–366 mV,钝化膜的保护性能提高。
The effects of anodic aging time on the constitution, structure and semiconductor properties of passive films formed on an Fe30Mn9Al alloy in 1 mol/L Na_2SO_4 solution were studied by Auger electron spectroscopy(AES)/X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) analysis and the measurement of Mott-Schottky curves. The results show that the passive film formed on Fe30Mn9Al alloy in 1 mol/L Na_2SO_4 solution for 15 min has two layers of inside and outside; the outside layer has the characteristics of n-type semiconductor, which is composed of Fe_2O_3, Al2_O_3, Mn_2O_3, FeOOH and AlOOH, while the inside layer has the characteristics of p-type semiconductor, which is composed of Mn O. The passive film formed on Fe30Mn9Al alloy in 1 mol/L Na_2SO_4 solution for 5 h has the characteristics of n-type semiconductor, which is composed of FeOOH, AlOOH and Mn_2O_3. As the anodic aging time increases from 15 min to 5 h, the Mn is depleted with MnO dissolved, the Al and Fe are enriched, and the Al and Fe oxides are changed to the Al and Fe hydroxides. The donor densities ND of the passive film decrease from 2.58′10^(21) to 1.96′10^(21) cm^(-3), and the flat band potential Efb decreases from –283 to –366 mV.
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering