

Learning experience of acupuncture technique from professor ZHANG Jin
摘要 张缙教授是国内外著名针灸学家,认为针刺手法关键在于"力"的运用,掌握"力贯针中"精髓,才能深知针刺手法的奥妙。笔者通过对《内经》和《针灸大成》的深入学习,进一步掌握了张缙教授提出的"力贯针中,力在针前,针伴力入(穴),使针成为力的载体"的理论及针刺手法的细部操作。操作中,应巧聚全身的劲力在针尖,在针尖处施巧劲以小刺激引起补泻大反应,在针尖处掌握时机精巧启动补泻,随气用巧,寓巧于微,驾驭经气,使气至病所,以达到好的临床疗效。 As a famous acupuncturist in the world, professor ZHANG Jin believes the key of acupuncture technique is the use of force, and the understanding of the "concentrating the force into needle body" is essential to understand the essence of acupuncture technique. With deep study of Huangdi Neijing(The Inner Canon of Huangdi) and Zhenjiu Dacheng(Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion), the author further learned professor ZHANG Jin's theory and operation specification of "concentrating force into needle body, so the force arriving before and together with needle". The whole-body force should be subtly focused on the tip of needle, and gentle force at tip of needle could get significant reinforcing and reducing effect. In addition, proper timing at tip of needle could start reinforcing and reducing effect, lead qi to disease location, and achieve superior clinical efficacy.
作者 薛宏昇 张缙
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期875-878,共4页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
关键词 针刺手法 力贯针中 张缙 acupuncture technique concentrating force into needle body, ZHANG Jin
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