先买权的制度运作是实务上的重要问题,不过,既有相关学说研究仍有不足。例如"部分共有人以多数决出卖不动产时,他共有人之先买权"的议题,即有许多争议待厘清,且台湾地区"内政部"目前研商的"土地法"部分条文修正草案中,该先买权规定是修正的重点之一。本文先厘清"土地法"第3 4条之1第1项及第4项的规范意旨,再依序探讨部分共有人以多数决出卖不动产时,他共有人之先买权赋予的理由及标的。本文着重于不动产的有效利用与相关当事人的利益衡量、成本效益分析,就既有的学说、实务见解及修正草案予以回应,并提出解释论与立法论上的建议。本文以为,部分共有人以多数决出卖共有不动产时,他共有人有先买权,其先买权的标的为同意出卖之共有人的应有部分;在部分共有人以客观上显不相当对价而多数决出卖不动产的情形,如他共有人死亡,继承人有无不明,则他共有人的遗产管理人得主张先买权。
The system of the right of first refusal is an important issue in practice.However,the existing studies are insufficient.For example,there are controversies regarding "a right of first refusal when the majority of the co-owners sell the real estate".First of all,this study clarifies the purposes of the first and the fourth paragraphs of Article 34-1of the"Land Act".This study then explores the reason and the object of the right of first refusal in turn when the majority of the co-owners sell the real estate.This study emphasizes effective utilization of the real estate and the interests of the concerned parties and stresses on the cost-benefit analysis.This study discusses the existing doctrine,practice,and the draft amendment and makes some propositions in explanation and legislation.This study holds that there is a right of first refusal when the majority of the co-owners sell the real estate and the objects are the shares of the co-owners who agree to sell.When the majority of the co-owners sell the real estate for improper value obviously and the other co-owners were died,the manager for the other co-owner's property may claim a right of first refusal if it is not clear whether or not there is an heir.
Law and Economy
Right of first refusal
Option of first refusal
Majority rule