
肥胖与肾脏:值得关注的临床问题 被引量:2

Obesity and kidney: a clinical problem worthy of attention
摘要 近十余年来,中国人群尤其是儿童肥胖的发生率有明显上升的趋势。中心性肥胖是导致肾脏病变发生和进展的重要危险因素,肥胖患者容易罹患慢性肾脏病(CKD)、急性肾损伤、肾癌和肾结石等肾脏疾病。有效的减肥可以明显改善肥胖症患者的肾功能状况,但在药物、手术或介入等减肥治疗过程中出现的相关并发症也有可能引起或加重肾脏病变。摄入热卡过多和运动过少等不良生活方式是肥胖发生的重要原因,因此,"健康的肾脏需要健康的生活方式"。 The prevalence of obesity has increased rapidly in China since over a decade ago,particularly in children. Central obesity is an independent contributory factor to the development and progression of kidney diseases. Obese people have a higher incidence of chronic kidney disease( CKD),acute kidney injury( AKI),kidney cancer,and urolithiasis,etc. Weight reduction may reverse or slow the progression of kidney injury in the obesity. However,the complications of weight-loss treatment including medicine,bariatric surgery,and intragastric balloon may heighten the risk of kidney injury. Higher caloric intake and lower daily exercise are associated with the ongoing obesity epidemic. So,healthy kidneys need healthy lifestyle for all the people.
作者 程庆砾
出处 《中华肾病研究电子杂志》 2017年第3期97-100,共4页 Chinese Journal of Kidney Disease Investigation(Electronic Edition)
关键词 肥胖 肾脏 Obesity Kidney
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