目的分析2006—2015年宜州市流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法对宜州市2006—2015年流行性腮腺炎病例进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2006—2015年宜州市共报告流行性腮腺炎病例1978例,年均报告发病率为30.52/10万,发病率总体呈逐年下降趋势,季节分布呈双峰特点,庆远镇报告病例数最多,病例集中在0~14岁年龄组,占总病例数的78.39%;男、女性别比为1.64:1,职业以学生、托幼儿童和散居儿童为主,占66.05%。结论宜州市流行性腮腺炎发病以14岁以下儿童为主;应实施综合性防控措施,尤其要加强健康教育工作,开展高发人群流行性腮腺炎疫苗常规接种及加强免疫工作,进一步降低其发病率。
OBJECTIVE To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Yizhou during 2006--2015, and to provide basis for making effective prevention and control measures. METHODS Descriptive epidemiological analysis was used among mumps cases in Yizhou in 2006--2015. RESULTS A total of 1978 cases of mumps were reported in the Yizhou City during 2006--2015, the average annual incidence rate was 30.52/10 million, the overall incidence decreased year by year. The number of reported cases seasonal distribution characteristics in Shuangfeng Qingyuan town was the largest and cases were concentrated in the 0-14 age group, which is the total number of 78.39% cases of diseaseand the sex ratio was 1.64: 1. Cases occupation included students, nursery children and scattered children accounted for 66.05%. CONCLUSION The incidence of mumps in Yizhou city children under the age of 14.So the implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures, especially to strengthen health education should be carried out among the high incidence of mumps vaccine routine immunization and strengthen immunity, to further reduce its incidence.
Chinese Primary Health Care