

Research on the varieties, characteristics of new anti-HBV drugs and related clinical trials
摘要 乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染是威胁全球公众健康的重要危险因素,目前临床应用的抗HBV治疗药物主要为核苷(酸)类似物与聚乙二醇干扰素-α两大类,这些药物仅能通过直接或间接作用抑制病毒复制,不能清除病毒.因此,近年来医学研究者与多家医药企业积极研发抗HBV新药,已有多种药物进入临床试验阶段.本文围绕HBV的生命周期与抗病毒药物的作用靶位,对抗HBV治疗药物的特性、安全性及临床试验等研究近况作一阐述. HBV infection is a major public health threat around the world.At present, clinical anti-HBV drugs,including nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NAs) and PegIFNα, can only directly or indirectly inhibit viral replication rather than viral elimination.In recent years, medical researchers and pharmaceutical enterprises are extensively researching and developing new drugs for treatment of HBV, and a variety of drugs have entered the stage of clinical trials.This article reviews the research progress on characteristics,safety and clinical trials,as well as the development trends of several currently available anti-HBV drugs, focusing on the target points and life cycle of HBV.
作者 马亦林
出处 《中华临床感染病杂志》 2017年第3期161-169,共9页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases
关键词 肝炎病毒 乙型 抗HBV药物 治疗 临床研究性 Hepatitis B virus Anti-HBV drugs Therapies, investigational
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