目的试分析幽门螺杆菌感染与儿童厌食伴消瘦的相关性,为儿童厌食症以及消瘦预防提供依据。方法对儿科门诊收治的256例厌食症患儿进行问卷调查。单纯厌食症184例,纳入厌食组,厌食症伴消瘦72例,纳入厌食消瘦组。统计两组患儿的调查问卷,分析幽门螺杆菌感染与儿童厌食伴消瘦的相关性。结果年龄>5岁、足月儿、新生儿疾病、幼儿时期疾病、6月龄纯母乳喂养、添加辅食年龄<6个月、出生体重<3 500 g、Hp感染阳性、厌食症病程≥12个月、微量元素缺乏、胃食管反流/慢性咳嗽是厌食伴消瘦的影响因素(P<0.05)。6月龄母乳喂养、添加辅食年龄<6个月、Hp感染阳性、厌食症病程≥12个月、微量元素缺乏、慢性咳嗽/胃食管反流是厌食伴消瘦的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。Hp阳性患儿的年龄>5岁、厌食症病程≥12个月、慢性咳嗽/胃食管反流所占比重高于Hp阴性患儿(P<0.05)。结论幽门螺旋杆菌感染与儿童厌食伴消瘦存在相关性,可通过直接或间接作用引起厌食、消瘦。
Objective To analyze the correlation between Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection and children's anorexia with weight loss, and provide the basis of prevention for children's anorexia with weight loss. Methods A total of 256 cases of pediatrics in pediatric outpatient were selected and carried on the questionnaire survey, with 184 cases of simple anorexia selected as the anorexia group and 72 cases of anorexia with weight loss selected as the anorexia weight loss group. The questionnaire surveys were statistically counted and the correlation between lip infection and children's anorexia with weight loss was analyzed. Results Age 〉5 years, term infant, neonatal disease, early childhood disease, exclusive breastfeeding of 6 months, instruction of solid food 〈6 months, birth weight 〈3 500 g, Hp positive infection, anorexia course ≥12 months, trace element nutrition, chronic cough/gastro-esophageal reflux were the influencing factors of children's anorexia with weight loss (P〈0.05). Exclusive breasffeeding of 6 months, instruction of solid food〈6 months, Hp positive infection, anorexia course ≥ 12 months, trace element nutrition, chronic cough/gastro-esophageal reflux were the risk factors of children's anorexia with weight loss (P〈0.05). The ratios of age〉5 years, anorexia course≥ 12 months, chronic eough/gastro-esophageal reflux in the Hp positive children were higher than those of the Hp negative children (P〈0.05). Conclusion Hp infection has correlation with the children's anorexia with weight loss, which can cause anorexia and weight loss immediately and indirectly.
KANG Li-na LI Ni-zhi(Emergency Pediatrics, Xianyang Central Hospital, Xianyang 712000 Maternal and Children Health Hospital of Xianyang, Xianyang 712046, China)
Clinical Research and Practice
weight loss
Helicobacter pylori