以旅游学科领域在Journal Citation Report(《期刊引文报告》)中影响因子排名靠前的11本国际权威期刊2005—2014年发表的4876篇文献为数据样本,采用可视化知识图谱分析方法,对国际旅游学科知识体系的研究主题和研究趋势展开分析,并在此基础上辅以内容分析法对国际旅游学科研究领域的知识体系框架进行了全面梳理。研究结果显示:(1)旅游可持续发展、旅游酒店服务、旅游市场和文化、旅游心理和行为、旅游目的地研究为当前的热点研究主题;(2)国际旅游知识体系涵盖了上述5个热点主题以及旅游效应、旅游消费过程、旅游环境、旅游综述数据来源、旅游综述研究方法、旅游综述研究内容等在内的多个重要知识点,已形成了结构相对完整的旅游学科知识生态系统,并在经济学、旅游、地理学、人类学、社会学、休闲、心理学、文化、艺术、历史、法律、环境、政治等多个学科领域呈现出跨学科交叉融合的多元化特点;(3)生态、医疗、可持续发展、体育运动、移动互联网以及宏观政策环境对旅游的影响等是未来特别值得关注的研究方向,创新依然会来源于旅游学科与其他学科的交叉与融合。
With the improvement of people' s living standard, tourism has become one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. The development and popularity of new technology and industrial applications have greatly changed the academic research and the tourism industry. Exploring the current situation of the international tourism knowledge system will be meaningful to systematically sort out the research hotspots and development trends in this field. This research chose 11 authoritative international journals in the field of tourism based on the impact factor ranking of Journal Citation Report as data sources, and obtained 4876 articles as research samples which were published from the year of 2005 to 2014. First, the keywords of each article were figured out and collected by software BIBEXCEL. Then, an initial co-word matrix with the top 100 keywords was generated. After that, this research filtered the top 100 keywords and merged some keywords, such as "tourism and travel", "hospitality management" and "hotel management" to obtain the final co-word matrix with top 80 keywords. VOSviewer was used to construct the knowledge mapping, and then the research topics and research trends of international tourism knowledge system can be analyzed. Thereafter, a content analysis method was employed to sort out the knowledge system framework of international tourism knowledge system. The results show that, a) Tourism sustainable development, tourism hotel services, tourism market and culture, tourism psychology and behavior, and tourism destination research are the five most significant research hotspots, b) In addition to the above research hotspots, the international tourism knowledge system also covers some other significant knowledge points, including tourism effect, tourism consumption process, tourism environment, data sources of tourism literature reviews, research methods of tourism literature reviews and research contents of literature reviews. Based on these significant knowledge points, a relatively complete structure of international tourism knowledge ecosystem was constructed. It is easy to observed that international tourism research has covered a wide range of subjects, including economics, tourism, geography, anthropology, sociology, leisure, psychology, culture, art, history, law, environment and politics. Interdisciplinary and diversification are the two most significant trends in this field, c) Ecology, medical care, sustainable development, sports, mobile network and macro policy environment will greatly influence tourism. These research directions need to be focused on and will be very important in the field of tourism. At the end, innovation will still come from the interdisciplinary research of the tourism discipline and other subjects. This study contributes to the research of international tourism knowledge system by figuring out the five most significant research topics in the past 10 years. Furthermore, this study also contributes to the body of international tourism knowledge system by constructing the framework of knowledge system for international tourism research. Future research should focus on empirical studies of the subdivision fields and cross studies of multidisciplinary integrations, especially the impact from new technology and applications such as mobile network.
ZHANG Min LI Hurong YANG Xiaoshui(Department of E-commerce, School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Chin)
Tourism Tribune
国家自然科学基金项目"Web2.0 环境下基于社会化网络瓶颈限制的信息扩散最大化研究"(71203166)资助~~
knowledge system
content analysis
clustering analysis
knowledge mapping