
基于Web of Science的社区生态旅游研究进展 被引量:18

Progress in Community-based Ecotourism Research Based on the Web of Science
摘要 中国当下边疆旅游、乡村旅游与旅游扶贫的快速发展亟待理论支撑。社区生态旅游(CBET)聚焦于欠发达地区的生物多样性保护和可持续发展,在国际社会已形成相对成熟、不断进化的知识领域。以Web of Science中1991—2014年484篇相关文献为研究对象,运用文献计量工具CiteSpace Ⅲ绘制文献共被引和关键词共现网络知识图谱,重点考察转折点、高突现及高被引文献,厘清CBET的发展脉络、热点与趋势。研究发现:(1)CBET研究可分3阶段,即1991—1998年的萌芽期、1999—2007年的蓄势期及2008—2014年的发展期;(2)CBET研究涉及多个学科,生态-环境学是开拓与推动者,休闲-旅游学是实践引领者,社会-人类学是人本主义关怀的彰显者;(3)CBET25年发展历程中研究区域、对象、主体、热点、路径、方法不断演进,学科多元化、涉益方多维化研究趋势突出。质疑中求索的科学精神、本土化经验的理论提升是对中国未来CBET研究的两点重要启示。 Focusing on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of underdeveloped regions, community-based ecotourism(CBET) has developed into a relatively mature field of knowledge in the international community. Recently, rural tourism and pro-poor tourism have become the topic of heated discussion and were promoted to the level of national strategy in China, which concern matters vital to the national well-being and people's livelihood. It is estimated that 17%(12million) of the national population in poverty will be out of poverty by 2020 as a result of tourism development. China's poor communities are mostly in ecologically vulnerable and culturally sensitive areas, which reflects the reality that China needs to grasp development opportunities and concentrate on how to prevent ecological degradation. In the meantime, related practices need to be supported by theory.This paper utilized the new scientometric tool CiteSpace Ⅲ and used 484 articles(1991—2014)derived from the Web of Science as the data source to map the knowledge domain of high impact literature with the highest co-citation counts. Turning points with high betweenness centrality were applied, as well as literature with citation bursts, so that we could obtain a clear view of the development of CBET based on hot research topics and trends.The results revealed that CBET involves multiple disciplines: Ecology and Environmental Studies,which act as exploiters and promoters; Leisure and Tourism Studies, which lead the way to practice;and Sociology and Anthropology, which reflect humanistic care. The CBET research of the past 25 years can be divided into three stages: the ecology-dominated Sprouting stage(1991—1998); the tourism and politics-dominated Countdown stage(1999—2007); and the Sociology and Anthropologyled Development stage(2008—2014). Research trends can be concluded from in-depth analysis on the CBET's development history. These include:(1) expansion of the research areas by expanding the research area from land reserves to marine protected areas, as well as the adjacent community cultural landscape and following the development of the research to a more broad analysis.(2) Transfer of the research subjects: the research subjects underwent a shift from the natural environment to the local community, which means that conservation of the natural ecological system is no longer the subject being brought to attention, as scholars began to show concern for the social ecological system.(3)Transfer of the research body: case studies concentrating on less-developed countries and regions have long been dominated research. However, there has been a fundamental change in the existing paradigm in which Western scholars were the main force. An increasing number of Chinese researchers have begun to be involved in CBET research.(4) Evolution of research hotspots: scholars have turned their attention to from initial biodiversity conservation to the sustainable development of communities, as well as how to promote sustainable livelihoods and alleviate poverty based on improvement and empowerment derived from increased social capital.(5) Evolution of the research routes: it has evolved from research on management strategies of biodiversity conservation to research on tourism impact based on local residents' perceptions and attitudes, and then on to preliminarily exploration of theories on the CBET system and index drawn from numerous cases.(6) Transition of research methods:Research methods underwent a shift from empirical case studies to the theoretical exploration of numerous cases.The spirit of questioning and seeking and the improvement of localization experience theory are the two most important enlightenments we have achieved for future CBET research. Solid research will be an important driver of the success of CBET in practice.
作者 李燕琴 束晟 LI Yanqin SHU Sheng(School of Management, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期116-126,共11页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"边疆民族地区旅游发展中居民心理的变迁过程与调节机制研究"(41101133) 中央民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(10301-0160120503)资助~~
关键词 社区生态旅游(CBET) 进展 WEB of SCIENCE CITESPACE 知识图谱 community-based ecotourism research progress Web of Science CiteSpace knowledge mapping
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