

Modeling of Solar-diesel Hybrid System and Control Strategy of Improved MPPT
摘要 介绍了光伏电池原理,在MATLAB/Simulink中建立了光柴互补发电系统。采用Matlab的S函数编写了光伏电池MPPT控制器控制方法,并在当负载吸收功率小于光伏电池输出功率时,对控制器进行了改进,以防止功率流入柴油发电机。仿真得到负载工况变化下系统的功率、电压曲线,验证了改进的MPPT控制器的可行性。 The working principle of PV cell is introduced, and the model of solar-engine hybrid power complementary distributed system (SE-DS) is established in MATLAB / Simulink. The control method of MPPT controller for PV cell is written by S-function of Matlab, and the controller is improved when the load absorption power is less than the power of the photovoltaic cell to prevent the power from flowing into the diesel generator. The power and voltage curves of the system are simulated under simulated load conditions and it is verified that the improved MPPT controller is in accordance with the expectation.
机构地区 上海海事大学
出处 《船电技术》 2017年第8期69-72,共4页 Marine Electric & Electronic Engineering
关键词 光柴互补系统 建模 改进MPPT控制 S函数 solar-diesel hybrid system modeling improved MPPT control S-function
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