0.1% 据IDC公司的调查显示,Windows Phone手机的市场份额已经低于0.1%,所有证据都在表明Windows Phone已经彻底失败。IDC预计2017年Windows的出货量将下滑80.9%,只剩下110万台。
This paper introduces the design and implementation of multichannel multi-bandwidth SAR digital receiver based on FPGA. Considering the problems in traditional multi-bandwidth synthetic aperture radar(SAR)system,such as too many channels and signal bandwidths, this digital receiver system adopts a multispeed data transmission.This method can greatly reduce the data throughput, reduce the data rate of the subsequent signal processing, effectively reduce the number of external fiber,simplify the complexity of the SAR system, and improve the reliability of the system. The practice proves that the scheme is a feasible way to realize multi channel data transmission.