
复方金钱草颗粒结合西医治疗泌尿系结石患者的效果分析 被引量:7

Compound Desmodium Granule Combined with Western Medicine for the Treatment of Patients with Urinary Calculi
摘要 目的研究复方金钱草颗粒结合西医治疗湿热蕴结型泌尿系结石的疗效。方法将2013年6月—2015年12月收住该院的100例患者随机分为实验组和对照组,每组50例。在常规治疗基础上,实验组每天给予复方金钱草颗粒,6 g/次,3次/d,温水冲服,2周为1个疗程;对照组给予枸橼酸氢钾颗粒3 g/次,3次/d,温水冲服,2周为1个疗程。观察两组患者治疗效果,服药前后尿电解质变化及不良反应。结果实验组患者总有效率86%明显高于对照组总有效率64%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论复方金钱草颗粒对利尿、排石、减轻肾积水、缓解尿路梗阻有明显疗效。 Objective This study aims to research the curative effect of using Fu Fang Jin Qian Cao Ke Li combined with modern medicine to cure the syndrome of accumulated dampness-heat of Urinary Calculi. Methods One hundred cases of patients which admitted to our hospital from June 2013 to December 2015 were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, in which there are 50 cases of patients. The patients of the experimental group took 6gram of Fu Fang Jin Qian Cao Ke Li three times a day,two weeks for a period of treatment while the patients of the control group took 3 gram of Potassium Sodium Hydrogen Citrate Granules three times a day,two weeks for a period of treatment,on the basis of conventional therapy. Then we observed the curative effect,adverse reactions and changes of urinary electrolyte before and after taking medicine of the patients from both of the groups. Results The total effective rate of the patients of experimental group(86%) is higher than the control group significantly(64%). Conclusion This study shows that there are curative effects obviously of using Fu Fang Jin Qian Cao Ke Li on diuresis, removing urinary calculus, anesis hydronephrosis and urinary tract obstruction.
作者 李政
出处 《系统医学》 2016年第7期28-30,共3页 Systems Medicine
关键词 泌尿系结石 湿热蕴结型 复方金钱草颗粒 Urinary Calculi Syndrome of accumulated dampness-heat Compound desmodium Granule
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