T o ex p an d th e ap p lic a t io n ran g e of th e o p timizat io n th e o r ie s fo r th e co n v en tio n al stay cables and dampers, the definit ion of the modal instal lat ion posi t ion rat io is proposed in the l ight of the high-order vibrat ion modes of the stay cables and the high instal lat ion posi t ions of the dampers and also in combined consideration of the instal lat ion posi t ion rat ios and the vibrat ion modes. The modal instal lat ion posi t ion rat io proposed herewi th is intended to replace the conven-t ional instal lat ion posi t ion rat io and to assess the damping characterist ics of the stay cables in-stal led wi th the dampers. A Changjiang River Bridge is selected as a case study and the damping parameters of the longest stay cable of the br idge are analyzed, using the method of the modal in-stal lat ion posi t ion rat io. The results show that wi th the increase of the orders of the vibrat ion modes, the modal instal lat ion posi t ion rat ios of the stay cables exhibi t the tendencies of increasing fi rst and decreasing then. At the peak values of the vibrat ion modes, the instal lat ion posi t ions of the dampers reach the maximum values of 0. 5. Wi th the increase of the orders of the vibrat ion modes, the maximum damping logari thm decrement rat ios corresponding to the different orders of the vibrat ion modes start to stay unchanged. When the instal lat ion posi t ions of the dampers exceed the peak values of the vibrat ion modes, the damping logari thm decrement rat ios gradual ly de-crease. The analysis method of the damper parameters based on the proposed modal instal lat ionposi t ion rat io can be used to accurately assess the damping characterist ics of the stay cables in-stal led wi th the dampers.
Bridge Construction
rai l-cum -ro ad b r id g e
c ab le-s tay ed b r id g e
s ta y c a b le
d am p e r
d amping c h a ra c te r -istic
modal ins tal lat ion posi t ion rat io
d amping lo g a r i thm d e c rem en t rat io