为明确不同肥料对亮叶厚皮香生长的促进作用,本试验采用复合肥、有机肥和氮肥对亮叶厚皮香幼苗进行施肥试验,观察测量并记录亮叶厚皮香的株高、叶数、地径、叶宽、叶长、叶面积及叶绿素含量。结果表明,3种肥料处理均能有效促进亮叶厚皮香的生长,但存在着显著差异。有机肥处理,亮叶厚皮香平均株高14.06 cm,平均地径3.06cm,平均叶绿素含量61.58SPAD,平均叶数量和面积分别为9.13片和7.51 cm^2,都优于复合肥和氮肥处理后亮叶厚皮香的生长。
In order to find out the stimulation effects of fertilizers on the growth of Ternstroemia nitida, fertilizer experiment was carried out on the seedlings of Ternstroemia nitida with compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer and the plant height, leaf number, basal diameter, leaf width, leaf length, leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content were observed and recorded. The results showed that all the three types of fertilizer could effectively promote the growth of Ternstroemia nitida, but with significant differences. With treatment of organic fertilizer, the mean plant height, mean basal diameter, mean chlorophyll content, mean leaf number and leaf area were 14.06 cm, 3.06 cm, 61.58SPAD, 9.13 and 7.51 cm2 respectively, and all these indexes were better than those of Ternstroemia nitida with treatment of compound fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer.
Anhui Forestry Science and Technology
Ternstroemia nitida
Different fertilizers
Growth differences