目的 :探索大型综合性医院科技人才培养的模式。 方法 :因地制宜、院校结合、医研互动、岗位成才 ,形成人才培养“八大工程”。 结果 :人才梯次合理 ,全院有工程院院士 2名 ,博士 6 5名 ,硕士 2 0 0多名 ,高级技术职称2 49名 ,担任博士、博士后指导导师 11名 ,硕士研究生导师 42名 ,受聘高等医学院校教授、副教授 180名。获国家级有突出贡献中青年专家 4名 ,首批入选国家“百千万人才工程”一、二层次 2名 ,有 33名优秀中青年专家成为学科带头人 ,平均年龄 43岁。 结论 :院校结合 ,走人才培养内涵发展之路 ,为医学事业培养本科、硕士、博士。
Objectives:To explore the modes of sci-tech personnel training in large general hospitals. Methods:Eight personnel training projects were carried out through adaptation to concrete circumstances,cooperation between the hospital and medical colleges,mutual promotion between practice and reserach and encouragement of making achievements on the job. Results:A rational personnel echelon was formed,with 65 doctors,200 masters,2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 249 professors,among whom are 11 doctoral tutors,42 master supervisors and 180 engaged professors in medical colleges,4 with the title of 'Young and Middle-Aged Specialist of the Nation with Prominent Contribution',2 at the first two levels of 'The National 100-1000-10000 Talent Program'.Thirty-three of the young and middle-aged specialists are now the foregoers in their academic fields. Conclusions:Exploitation of potentials with cooperation between hospitals and medical colleges in the training of college graduates,masters and doctors and in the establishment of Post-doctoral Program is an efficient way of personnel training that may yield greater,better,faster and more economical results.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates