目的探讨婴幼儿轻度轮状病毒肠炎伴良性惊厥的临床特点。方法选取2010年3月—2015年3月该院收治的轻度轮状病毒肠炎伴良性惊厥婴幼儿患者63例,对其临床表现、辅助检查结果以及随访结果进行综合分析。结果该病71.4%的病例为1-2岁的婴幼儿,76.2%在冬春季发生,惊厥的首次发作90.5%于起病后3 d内,85.7%为1次或2次发作,一般都持续在5 min以内,且强直-阵挛发作是主要的发作形式。血糖、血电解质检查未见异常,未出现水电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱,脑脊液检验、脑CT或MRI以及发作间期脑电图也均表现正常。结论在采取抗感染、对症治疗、支持治疗、控制惊厥等处理措施后,全部病人得到治愈,且无需采取抗癫痫持续治疗。出院后一般不出现复发,预后较好,全部病人的精神运动发育情况都符合正常范围,且未有神经系统后遗症出现。
Objective To investigate the mild rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants with clinical features of benign convulsions. Methods From March 2010 to March 2015 in our hospital with mild rotavirus enteritis 63 cases of benign convulsions infant patients, a comprehensive analysis of its clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, and follow-up results. Results 71.4% of cases the disease was 1-2 years old infants, 76.2% occurred in winter and spring, the first episode of convulsions 90.5% within 3 days after the onset, 85.7% to 1 or 2 episodes, generally continued for 5 minutes or less, and tonic- clonic seizures are the main form of attack. Glucose, serum electrolytes were normal, does not appear water and electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders, cerebrospinal fluid examination, brain CT or MRI and interictal EEG were also normal. Conclusion After taking antibiotics, symptomatic treatment, supportive care, treatment and other measures to control convulsions, all patients were cured, and the continued need to take anti-epileptic treatment.After discharge generally do not recur, the prognosis is good, all the patient's psychomotor development was in line with the normal range, and no neurological sequelae.
Systems Medicine