采用AutoCAD作为农村土地承包经营权确权登记项目数据采集与制图工具。为了准确快速获取地块宗地成果资料,本文尝试运用AutoCAD VBA二次开发技术编制软件工具予以实现。通过遍历全部地块对象,自动提取图形要素,读取其扩展属性中地块权属数据,并逐地块输出到Word文档中,从而实现地块宗地成果资料的快速输出,提高了工作效率,保证了数据的准确性。
AutoCAD is used as the data acquisition and mapping tool for the registration of rural land contractual management right. In order to obtain accurate and rapid land parcel production data,this paper attempts to use AutoCAD VBA two development techniques to prepare software tools to achieve. By traversing all plots,automatic extraction of graphic elements,read the expansion of land ownership data attributes,and each block is output to the Word document,so as to realize the fast output data of land parcel achievements,improve work efficiency,ensure the accuracy of the data.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying