

Abdominal NOTES-like Procedure without Incision Applied in Low Rectal Carcinoma Patients:Effect Analysis
摘要 为了评估腹部无切口经肛门拖出标本类NOTES术在低位直肠癌患者中应用的可行性及临床疗效,将2013年10月至2016年11月于北京市仁和医院肛肠科行腹腔镜下低位直肠癌根治术治疗的30例患者分为类NOTES组和传统组.类NOTES组(10例)采用经肛门拖出标本类NOTES术,传统组(20例)采用传统腹腔镜低位直肠癌根治术.对比观察2组患者的临床疗效,分析类NOTES术的可行性及安全性.结果显示,2组患者术中标本环周、上、下切缘癌细胞残留均为阴性,2组患者手术时间、术中出血量、切口感染及术后住院时间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05).2组患者术后TNM分期,差异亦无统计学意义(P〉0.05).2组患者术后1个月肛门功能Wexner评分差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);术后3个月Wexner评分,类NOTES组(8.7±0.8)分,高于传统组(7.7±1.3)分,P=0.03;术后6个月、12个月,2组患者Wexner评分差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05).术后12个月2组患者肛门功能已基本正常.结果表明,经肛门标本拖出类NOTES术治疗低位直肠癌与传统腹腔镜手术疗效相当,该术式切实可行,近期疗效满意. This study was to evaluate the feasibility and clinical efficacy of the abdominal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) procedure without incision via anus pull-through specimen out in the radical surgery for low rectal carcinoma, divided 30 cases admitted and treated in authors' depart- ment (2013-10--2016-11) to be subject to laparoscopic radical surgery for their low rectal carcinoma into two groups:NOTES-like group (n= 10) and convention group (n= 20); NOTES-like group performed NOTES-like procedure via anus pull-through specimen out on 10 cases, while convention group performed conventional laparoscopic radical surgery of low rectal carcinoma on 20 cases; then, compared both groups' effects, further analysed the feasibility and safety of NOTES-like procedure. As results, in both groups the circumferential, upper, lower cutting edge of intraoperative specimen showed cancer cells all remained negative~ in operative time, intraoperative bleeding volume, incision infection and postoperative hospital stay as well TNM stage there was no statistical difference between both groups ( P 〉0.05) ; as for Wexner score of postoperative anal function: at 1 month after surgery the score had no statistical difference ( P 〉 0.05) between two groups,at 3 months after surgery the score of NOTES-like group was higher than that of convention group [(8.7±0.8) points vs (7.7±1.3) points, P =0.03], at 6 months and at 12 months af- ter surgery there was no statistical difference between two groups ( P 〉0.05) ; at 12 months both groups' anal function had become normal basically. Results show that performing NOTES-like procedure via anus pull-through specimen out is same as conventional procedure in the effect of low rectal carcinoma, and is prac- tical feasible, having the satisfactory short-term efficacy.
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2017年第6期11-14,共4页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 低位直肠癌 全直肠系膜切除 自然腔道内镜手术 微创性 Low rectal carcinoma Total mesorectal excision NOTES Minimally invasive
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