

Research on Face Detection Technology for Mobile Platform by Using OpenCV
摘要 面部智能识别系统的前提是在视频流或者图像中实时精准地检测人脸信息。针对人工检测效率低的弊端,设计了一种应用于Android移动平台的实时人脸检测系统,利用OpenCV视觉开发库进行二次开发,详述其设计原理和实现方法,并给出了软件编程实现。测试结果表明,该系统实时性高,在检测速度和准确性方面效果良好,实现了在移动环境下对人脸信息的有效检测和采集。 Collecting and detecting the face information in real time video or image promptly and accurately are the foundation of face intelligent recognition system. Aiming at the defects of manual recognition, OpenCV Vision development library is used to establish a real-time face detection system based on Android mobile platform. It proposes the design and implementation meth- od of the system, and gives the software program solution. Test results show that the system has high real-time performance, fast detection speed and high accuracy, the system realizes effectively face detection in the mobile environment.
作者 郭奇青 李伟
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2017年第8期51-53,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 特征提取 OPENCV 人脸检测 级联分类器 Feature extraction OpenCV Face detection Cascade classifier
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