采用室内培养法,设置不施生石灰和生石灰用量0.3、0.9、1.8、2.4、4.8 g/kg,共6个用量梯度,研究不同生石灰用量对酸性土壤pH值动态变化、有效养分含量的影响及土壤pH值与有效养分含量之间的相关性。结果表明,生石灰的施入,可以显著提高土壤pH值,改善土壤酸度。培养到第90 d,生石灰用量4.8、2.4、1.8g/kg处理较对照分别提高了2.88、1.16和0.74个pH单位。施用生石灰对土壤全氮含量影响不大,但对土壤无机氮影响显著。生石灰用量在0~2.4 g/kg范围内,土壤硝态氮含量随生石灰用量的增加而显著增加,增幅为12.4%~146.8%,当生石灰用量>2.4 g/kg时,土壤硝态氮含量显著降低。土壤铵态氮的变化趋势则刚好相反,随着生石灰用量的增加而减少;土壤有效磷含量随着生石灰用量的增加先升高后降低;对于土壤速效钾来说,当生石灰用量>0.9 g/kg,其含量随着石灰用量的增加而显著降低,降幅为2.9%~21.7%。施用生石灰可以显著提高土壤有效Ca含量,且随生石灰用量的增加而显著增加,增幅为32.3%~543.0%。生石灰的施用显著降低了土壤有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的含量,且当生石灰用量≥2.4 g/kg时,土壤有效Mn、Zn含量均已处于极其缺乏的状况。土壤pH值与土壤全氮、铵态氮、速效钾、有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn呈显著线性负相关,与有效Ca呈极显著线性正相关,与土壤硝态氮、有效磷和有效Mg则符合二次函数,各相关系数均达到极显著水平。土壤养分与土壤酸度有着较好的相关性,在施用石灰改良酸性土壤时,要特别注意其施用量及土壤有效Mn、Zn等微量元素的及时补充。
In order to observe the dynamics of soil pH,study the influence of different rates of lime on acidic soil effective nutrient content,analyze the correlation between soil pH and available nutrient contents,a pot experiment was carried out with six kinds of lime dosage,including 0,0. 3,0. 9,1. 8,2. 4,4. 8 g/kg. The results showed that lime application significantly improved soil pH. At 90 d,the pH values with the lime dosage of 4. 8,2. 4,1. 8 g/kg increased 2. 88,1. 16,and 0. 74 pH unit,respectively,compared to control. Liming had little effect on soil total nitrogen content,but which had significant effects on soil inorganic nitrogen. In the treatment of application 0 ~ 2. 4 g/kg range of lime,soil NO-3-N content increased with the rates of lime increased by 12. 4% ~ 146. 8%. But in the treatments in which lime was applied at more than 2. 4 g/kg,the soil NO-3-N content was decreased significantly. While the opposite change tendency showed for soil NH+4-N content,which reduced with the increase of lime. Soil available phosphorus content increased and then decreased with the increase of lime application. For soil available potassium,when the rates of lime 〉0. 9 g/kg,its content significantly reduced with the increase of lime,which fell by 2. 9% ~ 21. 7%. Liming significantly improved the soil content of Ca,which content increased significantly with the lime increased by 32. 3% ~ 543. 0%. What's more,lime application significantly reduced the soil effective Fe,Mn,Cu,and Zn. Besides,when the dosage of lime ≥ 2. 4 g/kg,the content of soil available Mn and Zn were in extremely lack conditions. A significant linear negative correlation was found between soil pH values and the contents of soil total nitrogen,NH+4-N,available potassium,iron,manganese,copper and zinc. A high significant linear positive correlation was shown between soil pH values and available calcium. A quadratic function could be used to describe the relationships between soil pH and the contents of soil NO-3-N,available phosphorus and magnesium,all correlation coefficients were statistically highly significant. There is a good correlation relationship between the soil nutrient and soil acidity,when applying lime on improving soil acidity,the rates of lime should be paid special attention,and soil effective Mn,Zn and other trace elements should be added in a timely manner.
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
lime application rate
soil pH
effective nutrient content