采用点滴法测定了深圳市家蝇对丙体 666、溴氰菊酯等 8种杀虫剂的抗性。结果表明 :本市家蝇除对丙体 666、胺菊酯、三氯杀虫酯抗药性没有明显升高外 ,对敌敌畏、溴氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯。
With dropping method, we detected the resistance of Housefly in Shenzhen to 666, Deltamethrin and other 6 kinds of insecticides. The result shows that there are no evident changes on the resistance of Housefly for 666, Tetramethrin and Acetofenate, but the evidently resistance of Housefly increased at diffent levels for DDVP, Eltamethrin, Cypermethrin, BPMC.
Journal of Medical Pest Control