目的:探讨中国黑龙江地区蒙古族与汉族人群的血小板抗原(HPA)的多态性分布特征,判断HPA抗原不配合比率,确定有临床意义的抗原系统,为建立包含不同民族已知HPA分型的血小板献血者库提供数据基础。方法:选择100例蒙古族的健康无血缘关系的人群为研究对象,以123例健康汉族人群为对照,采用PCR-SSP技术,对HPA 1-17共17个抗原系统34个等位基因进行分型。分别计算其基因频率、基因型频率,并进行分析比较。结果:汉族人群中HPA 4、HPA 7-14、HPA 16,17抗原系统的基因型均为aa,未检测出相应的等位基因HPA-b;HPA 1-3,HPA 5-6抗原系统的基因型以aa居多;蒙古族人群中HPA 1、HPA 5-14,HPA 16,17抗原系统的基因型均为aa,未检测出相应的等位基因HPA-b;HPA 2,4抗原系统的基因型以aa居多;两个民族中,HPA 3,15均具有较高的杂合度,易发生血小板不配合而造成的同种免疫。与对照组(汉族)比较,蒙古族HPA 1和HPA 3系统有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:黑龙江省蒙古族健康人群HPA1-17基因频率的分布与汉族人群相比有相似之处,也有本民族的自身特点。在建立血小板供者分型数据库时,要适当增加蒙古族的供者。
Objective: To explore the polymorphisms of the human platelet antigen( HPA) gene of Han and Menggu population of Heilongjiang province in China,to determine platelet antigen system with clinical significance by judging the rate of incompatibility of HPA,as well as to establish a database of donors HPA including the Han nationality and the minority nationality. Methods: The samples of unrelated healthy Menggu population( 100 cases) people were selected from Heilongjiang province in China,and 123 cases in healthy Han population in Heilongjiang as control were collected.The technique of PCR-sequence specific primers( PCR-SSP) was used for genotyping of 34 alleles in HPA1-17 gene.The gene frequency and genotype frequency were separately calculated,and the allele frequency distribution in Menggu population was compared with the results from Han population. Results: In the Han population,monomorphic HPA-4、HPA-7-14、HPA-16,17 were found in the samples,none of HPA-b was found in these samples. For HPA-1,2,4,5 and 6, aa homozygosity was predominant. In the Menggu population,monomorphic HPA 1,HPA 5,6,HPA 7-14,HPA 16, 17 were found in the samples,none of HPA-b was found in these samples. For HPA 2,4aa homozygosity was predominant. HPA-3, 15 had the greatest heterozygosity in 2 population. HPA-1a and HPA-3a frequency of Menggu population were significantly different from that of Han population in Heilongjiang. Conclusion: Distribution of the allele polymorphism of HPA 1-17 in Heilongjiang Han population is similar to that in Menggu population,and it shows its own characteristics. When the local HPA genotyped database of platelet donors in Heilongjiang is established,the count of Menggu donor should be increased.
Journal of Experimental Hematology