目的 :本调查旨在了解“摩梭人”龋患情况及对龋病相关知识的认识。方法 :选择“摩梭人”886人 ,男 389人 ,女 4 97人。口腔专业人员进行问卷和口腔内检查 ,用WHO(1997)口腔健康调查表 ,记录每户家庭内受检者的龋、失、补牙数 (DMFT)以及对龋病相关知识的认识。采用龋均 (XDMFT)和患龋率 (cariesprevalencerate)来描述受检人群龋病的严重程度。结果 :调查发现龋病常在家族中流行 ,该人群的龋患率为 4 8% ,龋均为 4 .9。其中女性的患龋率明显高于男性 (P <0 .0 0 1)。女性龋均为 6 .95± 0 .5 ,患龋率 86 .9% ;男性龋均为 1.6 5± 0 .3,患龋率为 11.4 % ,男女之间每天刷牙及饮食习惯无明显差异。调查群体大部分缺乏对龋病病因及如何预防等知识的认识。结论 :“摩梭人”口腔卫生状况很差 ,龋患情况较严重 ,龋病的发生有明显的性别特征。在该地区应积极开展防龋工作 ,重视口腔卫生保健知识宣传教育工作 ,提高“摩梭人”的口腔自我保健意识。
AIM:The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of dental caries,knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of Mosuo-people. METHODS:This study sample consisted of 886 Mosuo-People,including 497 females and 389 males. Specially trained interviewers conducted face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire and clinical examination. Dental caries experience and oral hygiene status were recorded according to the WHO Oral Health Survey criteria. DMFT index were recorded. RESULTS: Results showedthat the prevalence of dental caries among the Mosuo-People was 48%. The overall weighted mean DMFT score for the Mosuo-people was 4.9. It showed that the males had a significantly lower prevalence of caries than females: 11.4% vs. 86.9% ( P <0.001). The mean DMFT score of the females was 6.95±0.5. The mean DMFT score of the males was 1.65±0.3. However, it had no significant differences in brushing teeth and eating habits. Most of them had little poor oral health knowledge, oral healthy habits ,and they did not know how to prevent dental caries or which programmes they could take.CONCLUSION:The Mosuo-people had poor oral hygiene, more decay and greater needs for dental services. Caries prevalence was closely correlated to the characteristic of sex. More effort should be given to help them.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
云南省自然科学基金项目 (2 0 0 0C0 0 18Q)