Objective To study the conducti on of pyramidal tract,changes of motor evoked poten tials and capsular blood flow were ob-served following experimental cere bral hemorrhage.Methods The arter ial blood from rat tail arte ry was slowly injected into the hindl imb of the ri ght capsule,which induced pyramidal tract to damage,and the rat sp astic model of capsular hemiplegia w as produced.MEPs were recorded from the gastrocnemius muscle,capsular blood flow was measure d with hydrogen clear method.Results F ollowing the right cap-sule-orientated hemorrhage the amp litude of motor evok ed potential for the right sensorimotor cortex was ob viously decreased in contr ast with those for the left(P<0.01),the latencies of MEP for the right s e nsorimotor cortex were significant ly elongated in comparison with those for t he left(P<0.01),moreover,the latencies for the rig ht after 1day post-hemorrhage were m arkedly prolonged as compared with pre-hemorrhage(P<0. 01).At the first day after capsular hemo rrhage,the blood flow for the righ t i nternal capsule was significantly d ecreased compared with levels for pre-i njury(P<0.05)and for left capsular blood flow at th e same time (P<0. 05).Conclusion Cap-sule-orientated hemorrhage may induce the amplitude of MEP for the injur ed side decreases obviously and the l atencies of MEP elongate d .These show the functional state and i njured condition for corticospinal tra ct to a certain degree.The capsul ar blood flow and behavior resume quickly in despite of corticospinal tract injured ,this may be involved i n stepping cent er pattern generators in spinal cord in rats.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation