针对传统网格计算中的监控工具已无法满足云计算平台中虚拟资源监控的问题,本文基于Open Stack云平台设计并实现一套完整的私有云平台中云主机资源监控方案.实验表明该方案可以有效地进行虚拟资源的监控,满足企业私有云中对虚拟资源的监控需求,且系统方案具有良好的可扩展性.
The traditional monitoring tools in grid comping have been unable to meet the virtual resource momtormg requirements in cloud computing platform. To solve this problem, this paper designs and implements a complete scheme of cloud host resource monitoring in private cloud platform based on OpenStack. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can effectively monitor the virtual resources, and meet the requirements of the enterprise private cloud monitoring of virtual resources, and the system has good scalability.
Computer Systems & Applications