

Location-Based Service Privacy Protection Method
摘要 近年来,大多数的位置服务隐私保护转向了基于用户协作的P2P形式,但是此模式最大的弊端在于协作用户存在不诚信的情况,如果出现恶意的协作用户,那么协作组用户信息可能会被泄露.在此前提下,本文通过添加第三方信任机构为移动用户进行网络行为异常检测的方式,提出一种防范位置隐私泄露给恶意用户的方法,并通过二叉树的形式扩展P2P模式下的寻找协作用户的范围.通过实验验证,可以有效地防范非诚信用户加入匿名组,降低了信息泄露的可能. In recent years, most location-based service privacy protection turns to peer-to-peer based on subscriber cooperation. However, the biggest drawback of that mode lies in the integrity of collaborative users. If there are vicious users in ambient collaborative users, the information of collaborative users may be accessed illegally. So this paper proposes a method of preventing the location privacy from being revealed to vicious users via using third-party trust institutions to detect the abnormal network behaviors for mobile users. In the meanwhile, we broaden the zone of collaborative users in the mode of peer to peer through binary tree. The experimental result shows the method can effectively prevent unfaithful users from joining in the anonymous group and reduce the probability of the information leakage.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2017年第8期267-272,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 位置服务隐私保护 P2P 第三方信任 二叉树模型 location-based service privacy protection P2P the trusted institutions third party binary tree
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