

Controllability of Supply Chain Network and It's Minimum Control Input
摘要 本文研究供应链网络状态的可控性和结构可控性,建立了供应链网络结构可控性判据,提出了供应链网络完全状态可控和全局结构可控的最少控制输入的确定方法.研究表明,本文建立的供应链网络可控性判据可以有效判定供应链网络全局可控性,建立的最少控制输入确定方法可以有效确定实现供应链网络全局控制所需的最少控制输入.研究中还发现,与人们的预想不同,实现全局供应链网络的完全状态控制并不需要将控制输入作用在该供应链网络的核心企业上,而只要合理选择上游的供应商状态节点和下游的分销商状态节点进行控制就可以实现供应链网络的完全状态控制;增强供应商之间的联系可以减少供应链网络全局结构可控的最少控制输入数量.对于较难控制的农产品供应链网络,增加农产品种植主体之间的联系或增大农产品种植主体规模都会有利于增加农产品供应链网络的可控性. In this paper, the state controllability and structural controllability of sup- ply chain network are investigated, the structural controllability criterion of supply chain network is built, and the determination methods of minimum control input of tate controllability and structural controllability of supply chain network are put for- ward. The results show that controllability criterions of supply chain network which are built in the paper can effectively judge global controllability of supply chain network, and the determination methods of minimum control input of global controllability of supply chain network are effective. We also find that if we want to get a totally statecontrollable supply chain network, the control inputs of supply chain network should not exert to core enterprise of supply chain network, but exert to suppliers and dis- tributors, and that strengthening the connection between the suppliers in the supply chain network can reduce the number of minimum control input for global structure controllability.
作者 赵钢 杨英宝
出处 《应用泛函分析学报》 2017年第2期206-215,共10页 Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(15YJC630185) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2016M591845)
关键词 供应链网络 状态可控 结构可控 最少控制输入 农产品 supply chain network state controllability structural controllability min-imum control input agricultural products
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